Susan deLearie Adair
Sandra Alanko
Al Barker
Jill Basham
Richard Clifton
Lori Dunn
John Eiseman
Ned Ewell
Cynthie Fisher
Jean Gidich
Wilhelm Goebel
Lori Goll
Carol Heiman-Greene
Brenda Kidera
David Kiehm
Rebekah Knight
Yelena Lamm

Laura Mark-Finberg

Laura Mark-Finberg’s paintings have been described as “windows unto the soul” of the animals she paints., During a career that has spanned more than thirty years Laura has explored a vast array of subjects in her quest to help the viewer understand a little more about the animals she paints. Laura is meticulous in her research and attention to detail and demonstrates a flawless search for truth in each painting.

Laura Mark-Finberg
Kelly McNeil
Terry Miller

Peter Nevins

While growing up in rural Pennsylvania in the early 80’s, I discovered I had a natural ability to draw and transform images in my mind to pen and paper. My abstract pieces were often random and complex in nature, with many sharp angles and contrasting shadows, creating a visual feast.

Peter Nevins
Clayton Pennell
Volodymyr Piven
Sara Linda Poly