Jeff Birchill

Jeff Birchill

Hometown: North Augusta, SC


“Sculpting stone is almost as important as breathing – something I need to do.”


Jeff is an Elected Member in the National Sculpture Society, and Signature Members of The Society of Animal Artist and The American Society of Marine Artist. 15 of his animal stone sculptures were featured in a 12 week solo exhibit at The Morris Museum of Art. Other sculptures have been exhibited in juried exhibitions at prestigious Art Museums including, Hiram Blauvelt (which recently added “The Rock Crawler” – A Pacific Giant Octopus to their permanent collection.), The Bennington Center for Art, Chesapeake Maritime, Houston Museum of Natural Science, The Muscarelle Museum (College of William & Mary), The National Sporting, Minnesota Marine, and others across the nation. However, his sculptures are to be enjoyed as table top sculpture for homes and offices. His sculptures can be found in private collections coast to coast.


Direct sculpting with a traditional hammer and chisels is his preferred method, and does not remove the first chip of stone until he sees the image within the stone. Slowly chip by chip the image is released from the stone. When he is not sculpting is walking in the forest with the animals he loves.